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Go on an offroad adventure with a Spier Segway Tour

Photo courtesy of Spier Wine Farm

Every time I’ve been to Spier since 1996, it’s either been to eat, drink wine or visit the bird sanctuary, but one thing’s for certain, the Spier Segway Tour is something you HAVE to do if you want to experience the sheer size of the estate.

Yes, Segway’s are those two wheeled electrical devices you see Mall Cops cruising around on, but when placed in the right environment, they are amazing!


The Spier Segway Tour kicks off from the old club house at the back of the estate and you’re given a proper lesson on how to operate it before you get going.

Once you’ve got the hang of riding a Segway on dirt tracks, you are taken on a tour around the estate, with plenty of stops along the way to take photos, as well as to hear about the various things Spier does to ensure it’s one of the most sustainable wine farms in the country.

Click here to watch this Facet
Click here to Watch my Facet Travel Video of the Spier Segway experience.

Our favorite stop was of course, the mobile chicken pens, where you’re given the chance to get off your Segway and head into the Chicken Pen itself. As you enter, you’ll be greeted by thousands of chickens that look like they are stampeding to come eat your soul, but in actual fact all they are looking for is a scratch on their backs and a peck of your shoes.

spier-segway-tour-1 spier-segway-tour-2

Our tour, the Spier Wine Farm & Vineyards Tour, lasted 2 hours in total, and this covered the chickens, the water treatment plant, Spier’s very own nature reserve and of course, riding in and out of the various vineyards.

Image courtesy of Spier

There are also Sunset Tour’s, which also last around 2 hours as well as a shorter tour that is only an hour, all of which are super affordable and range from R275pp all the way up to R600pp.

Book a Spier Segway Tour here.


1 Comment

  1. November 20, 2016 / 2:00 am

    We had so much fun doing this in Stellenbosch and have recommended it to everyone who’s asked! I can’t imagine a cooler way to explore the vineyards, and it’s such a fun place to learn as a newbie.

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