10   141
43   503
23   306
55   1384
30   957
10   355
4   136
14   277

The worst drivers in the world


I’ve lived in a few places around the world and have had first hand experiences of how bad people drive in various parts of the world and after reading the stats about the worlds worst drivers on the King Price blog, I thought I’d give some input into some personal experiences.

First off comes the tiny island of Malta, which is where I stayed with Carlinn for a good 3 and a half years. There doesn’t seem to be any real rules of the road over there except that you need to stay out of the way of the bus drivers because they rule those roads.


They will drive at the pace they want, where they want and they will stop for who they want! My opinion on them is that if they don’t like the look of the crowd standing at the stop, they won’t stop. Instead, they speed by leaving you with the taste of smoke from their engines in your mouth.

Next up is Costa Rica, which is where we lived for 6 months back in 2007 after I was offered a consulting job on that side.

If your car is road worthy in San Jose, you are one of the very few because the amount of taxis I used that looked as if they would fall apart while driving was ridiculous! Not to mention the taxi driver that had a black and white television set strapped to the dash with his local football team playing on it.

I won’t lie, I said numerous prayers for my life on that particular ride because we must have come within centimeters of crashing into cars on a number of occasions because he was getting so angry with his teams performance.


Next up is of course good old Cape Town! If you’ve seen the way the people drive around here, it’s a surprise the accident rate is not higher. The amount of people that drive drunk or under the influence of some kind of substance is actually ridiculous… It wasn’t long ago that I had to stop after an accident happened moments before I got there and nobody had arrived on the scene yet, but me.

I got out the car, ran to the 6 people piled into an UNO, yup SIX PEOPLE, and asked if they were okay and the strong smell of booze coming from the car was unbelievable.

It was at that moment I called the rescue team to come take care of them and upon their arrival, so came the police. I left it in their hands and in the hands of the insurance because whether they checked their alcohol levels or not is something I will never know, but I do know that insurance wouldn’t pay out if they did.


If you would like to read more about the various countries in the world that have really bad drivers, you can read about The worst drivers in the world on the King Price blog.

Since reading this article, its made me think a lot more about the way I drive and how others drive around me and I wonder, do these idiots on the road have insurance and how much do insurance companies actually pay out on a daily, even yearly basis. That number must be insane!

If you are one of those people that doesn’t have insurance, you can learn more about King Price here and why choosing them will make your life heaps better!

Also, if you are on the roads, be safe out there because there are always others that don’t care for rules and it could be the end of your life.



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