7   62
7   78
10   164
19   474
20   471
28   1348
17   524
13   75

Invest R420 a month and you’ll be a Millionaire


Being addicted to all kinds of new technologies, Carlinn’s heard me say “I need to have that in my life” way more times than she can even fathom and the amount of money I’ve pumped into sometimes useless junk instead of saying “Why don’t I invest this money instead” is ridiculous.

This thought dawned on me recently when I was looking through a list of recent purchases that I didn’t actually need to buy. I even went through the trouble of calculating how much I’ve been spending a month, which came to an average of R500 / month for the last year…

Believe it or not, R6,000 is R6,000 and if I had to invest that over a fixed period, I could actually build up a long term investment that could potentially make me a millionaire!

After a little digging around, I came across the Sanlam Investments FREE “Online Investment Tool“, which lets users calculate how much they need to invest per month in order to get to their dream goal, so I decided to give it a bash.


I plugged in some numbers into the tool and within a couple of minutes, I found that for only R420 a month for 35 years, which is when I’ll have few kids more than likely, I’ll have over a million bucks waiting for me to use on whatever rad futuristic tech gear there is out there to buy.


We all love to live care-free, but sometimes we do need to do these responsible adult things, like investing in the future because I know that when I’m 70, I want to be able to spoil myself one last time with a rad adrenaline filled holiday around the world.

If you’d like to invest in your very own future spoil, check out the Sanlam Investments “Online Investments Tool” to calculate what you need to do to get there.


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