Myself and Carlinn were lucky enough to win an epic adventure to Botswana in October through the amazing folks at Southern Destinations with their #SafariSoulmates competition that they ran earlier this year! It was a photo / video based competition where entrants needed to upload a photo or a video explaining who their Safari Soulmate was and why they were so special.
When we won, we decided we wanted to document our entire trip into Vlogs, so I got in touch with the awesome folks at World of Heroes and asked if they had some extra gear to add onto what I already had. They gave us an extra GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition as well as LOADS of mounts!
Our first day was mostly travelling from Cape Town to Botswana, so we were up at 4:30am to get our day started! The flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg was delayed, so when we arrived there, it was a mad rush to get to our gate so that we didn’t miss our flight to Maun. We made it just in time!!
When we landed in Maun, my bag didn’t arrive with us, so I was only wearing jeans and a t-shirt in almost 40 degree heat! Off to the store we went to get me a pair of shorts before boarding our next flight on a super small plane. I called shotgun and got to sit in the co-pilot seat, which was EPIC!
The flight was bumpy as hell because of the wind, but we landed on the Nxabega Air Strip in one piece and our adventure in the bush had officially started!
Watch our first vlog episode, “The Journey to Botswana” to see what we got up to.
This is the photo that I uploaded as my entry for the competition and this describes why Carlinn is so special to me: